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“Born Healthy, Now Fighting for His Life—Hudson’s Urgent Wait for a New Heart”

“Born Healthy, Now Fighting for His Life—Hudson’s Urgent Wait for a New Heart”

Eleven month old Hudson is waiting for an urgent heart transplant. As they wait for a little heart Hudson’s mummy Beth shares their story:

“Hudson was born weighing 6lb 15oz, a happy little baby with no complications at birth, no problems picked up at ultrasounds, completely healthy.

At 5 months old I noticed his chest was recessing with his breaths and he was wheezing. A few days later he started to refuse his bottles, and was extremely lethargic.

We rang 111 who sent paramedics out. Paramedics assumed his heart rate was due to being upset, and told us to keep a close eye on him over the coming days.

The following day we still weren’t happy with him so we took him to A&E. He was assumed to have a chest infection but on doing a chest X-ray it was noticed that his heart was extremely enlarged.

A heart scan was done and he was confirmed to be in heart failure, and we were rushed to Birmingham Children’s Hospital intensive care unit where Hudson was diagnosed with Dilated Cardiomyopathy.

He started on Milrinone, oxygen and being NG fed but has been a true fighter and not needed oxygen since his admission 5 months ago, and now he is free of his NG tube.

However he’s unable to wean off Milrinone due to his heart function not improving and therefore is on the urgent transplant list.

Hudson has spent the majority of his life in hospital, and with COVID restrictions meaning he isn’t allowed to see his mummy and daddy at the same time.

We are desperate to receive the call so that our boy can get the gift he needs and have a chance of a healthy life outside of hospital making happy memories with his family.”